

Discussion Questions 
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Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for The Lost City of Z

1. What inspired Col. Percy Harrison Fawcett's obsessive search for Z...what evidence led him to believe the city was more than legend?

2. How does Grann portray Fawcett? What kind of a man was he? Would you describe him as a victim of his own a romantic...a fool bent on his own destruction...a rational man of science...?

3. What are some of the legends that have surrounded Fawcett himself? To what do you attribute his place in popular culture over the years—and what does it say, both about Fawcett and ourselves, that he has maintained a hold on our collective imagination?

4. How did Fawcett differ from his rival, Alexander Hamilton Rice—especially in the approach to exploration? Were the two men evenly matched in skill and technology...or not? In what way did Rice, perhaps, represent the future of modern exploration?

5. What draws David Grann into the search for Fawcett—what initially sparks the author's fascination? Consider Grann's own difficulty in the Amazon, especially for a man who delights in air conditioning and fast food. Finally, what new information does Grann contribute to solving the mystery surrounding Fawcett's disappearance?

6. Where does Grann stand with regard to the existence of Z? What conclusions does he reach? Where do you stand?

7. What are some of the more surprising, even shocking, accounts of jungle exploration you found in this work?

8. Does this book remind you of other stories of those obsessed with adventure or other cultures: The Man Who Loved China...or Bill Bryson's misguided but humorous adventure on the Appalachian Trail? Any resemblance to fictional works ... say, Conrad's Heart of Darkness...or Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude?

9. Brad Pitt has brought production rights to the book. So, will he play Grann...or Fawcett?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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