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Anxious People
Fredrik Backman

A crime that never was, a bank robber who disappears, and 8 anxious strangers who find more in common than they ever expected.

lying life of adults Lying Life of Adults
Elena Ferrante

When she hears her father call her ugly, Giovanna upends her comfy family life to embark on an odyssey of self-discovery.
book of two ways Book of Two Ways
Jodi Picoult

Bracing for a crash landing, a woman thinks, not of her husband, but of a man she last saw 15 years ago.
piranesi clarke Piranesi
Susanna Clarke

Piranesi lives in a labyrinth, full of surreal beauty and ocean tides but that haunted by a secret beginning to unravel.
exiles baker Exiles
Christina Baker Kline

A historical novel capturing the hardship and opportunities of a trio of women in 19th-century Australia.
squeeze me Squeeze Me
Carl Hiaasen

A hilarious new novel of social and political intrigue, set against the glittering backdrop of Florida's gold coast.
fifty words for rain Fifty Words for Rain
Elena Ferrante

Noriko Kamiza should be a princess, but her illegitimacy makes her a disgrace to her own family.
transcendent kingdom Transcendent Kingdom
Yaa Gyasi

A Ghanaian immigrant family is ravaged by addiction and grief—a novel about faith, science, religion, love.

last story of mina lee Last Story of Mina Lee
Nancy Jooyoun Kim

A young woman digs through her mother's past as a Korean immigrant only to learn how little she new of Mina Lee.

winter counts Winter Counts
David Heska Wanbil Weiden

An honest look at Native-American life, and a twisting, turning crime story as deeply rendered as it is thrilling.

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