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Traffic (monthly)
1,000,000+ page views
300,000+ sessions
250,000+ unique visitors *

35+ years
Middle- and higher-income *

2.5 minutes on site (avg.)
3.35 pages visited (avg.)

Our Ads
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Top Right Rectangle (300 x 250 px)
100,000 - 199,000 impressions = $5.50 CPM
200,000 - 299,000 impressions = $5.30 CPM
300,000 - 399,000 impressions = $5.00 CPM
400,000 - Please contact us for more information.

Lower Right Rectangle (300 x 250 px)
100,000 - 199,000 impressions = $3.70 CPM
200,000 - 299,000 impressions = $3.50 CPM
300,000 - 399,000 impressions = $3.30 CPM
400,000 - Please contact us for more information.

Images: jpg, gif, or png
Flash: 10.1 or lower
Animated GIFS
Maximum file size: 1MB.

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To Authors—head over to our "Advertising for Authors" page to see our special offers for individual authors.

*Traffic statistics according to Google Analytics. Demographics from Quantcast.

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