

Connect your BOOKS with our readersgirl-on-books-advertising-pgCongratulations—you're a published author! But there's still more work ahead: marketing. And we know how tough that can be.

LitLovers can help you can reach 10s-of-thousands of devoted readers in a single week. Our audience is passionate about books and book clubs, and they're on the lookout for new reads

Author Model
We offer two avenues for individual authors to place books on LitLovers.
On-site advertising—at a special author rate
A Reading Guide stored permanently in our title index

Our Ads
We have two available advertising spots:
       Upper Right rectangle: 300 x 250 px
       Lower Right rectangle: 300 x 250 px

Ads are sold in blocks of 100,000 impressions—100K. (Impressions refer to the number of people who will see your ad—eyeballs on the page).

Ad rates for 100K impressions are as follows:
       Upper Right rectangle—$3.50 CPM = $350
       Lower Right rectangle—$2.75 CPM = $275
       (CPM means Cost Per Thousand.)

An ad purchase also includes a free listing of your book in our Reading Guide index—permanently.

All ads are Run-of-Site (ROS). That means your ad is on every page of the site—so it gets seen no matter what pages visitors land on ... or go to.

Ad runs may vary from 2 to 4 weeks depending on availability of space.

All impressions are guaranteed to be filled...although traditional advertisers, who pay standard rates, will have priority, temporarily "bumping" author ads.

LitLovers does not create artwork, so please supply us with Web-ready art. (See specs below.) And don't forget to give us a url to link people to your website when they click on your ad.

Images: jpg, gif, or png
Flash: 10.1 or lower
Animated GIFS
Maximum file size: 1MB.

Reading Guides
List your title in our Reading Guide library, where it will remain permanently, whether you advertise or not. Book clubs find our guides essential for researching books...and discussing them during meetings.

There is a $50 charge per title. (If you're advertising on LitLovers, however, the Reading Guide is included free of charge.)

Click HERE to download our basic, easy-to-use editing template to input Summary, Bio, Reviews, and Discussion Questions. We do all the formatting when we upload it into our "finishing" template.

Each Guide includes links to your website and/or Facebook page, as well as a cover image linked to Amazon.

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