

Tattoos on the Heart
by Gregory Boyle

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Spanish Glossary
The following glossary of Spanish-to-English words comes from one of our LitLovers Readers...Iwona from Cleveland, Ohio. Thanks, Iwona!

abrazos- hugs

abrazote – big hug

animo -enthusiasm

antemano – before hand

aquel tiempo – that time (long ago)

apodo - nickname

ayer - yesterday

Ay, Dios mío - Oh my God

bendición - blessing

bien hecho – good goin’, good job

bien preguntón- very inquisitive, asks a lot of questions

bola – gang

bueno para nada – good for nothing

cabrón – dude, asshole, son of a b. (depends on context!) literally, male goat

caldo de iguana –iguana broth or soup

calientando – warming up

cállete, cabrón - Shut up, dude

camaradas - comrades

campesino – peasant

canción – song cantón – restaurant, bar

cantón – house, slang like saying“the crib”

cara de cachado –caught-in-the-act, guilty face

cara santucha – face of a saint, pretending to look saintly

cariño – affection

carne asada – grilled meat

carpas – tents

chamuco - devil, mischievous person

chaparrito, a – short or little guy, girl

cheap codo- cheapskate (codo literally means “elbow”)

chicle –gum

chillones – cry-babies

chingón - extremely awesome, great, a real badass

chupetonazos - hickies

cholo – homeboy, kid from the streets

cinco sentidos – in right mind or lit. “five senses”

colonos – inmates, lit. “settlers”

Cómo que – how is it…or what do you mean…

confreres – colleague, fellow member

cumbias – type of dance, originated in Colombia

cuete – gun

cuñada – sister –in-law

delito - crime

desafortunadamente - unfortunately

desesperación - desperation

desvelado - sleepless

de uña y mugre –like the fingernail and the dirt under it

De veras - Really?

de volada – on the fly

échale - empty

enemigos - enemies

El padre ya viene – Father is coming

el rostro de Dios – the face of God

Es nuestro compromise – It’s what we’ve committed to

felicidades – congratulations

feria - money

firme – could not be one bit better, fine, badass, cool, awesome, good

Flaco – Skinny

flicka - picture

frajos - cigarettes

gabachos - White people. Similar to term Gringo

gato - cat

gritona – a woman who shouts a lot, talks loud

Gracias por haber venido – Thanks for coming

huaraches- sandals

Huele a patas - It smells like feet

Huele a rosas – It smells like roses

jaina - girl

jale- job

jefito - dad (literally “boss”)

jefita - mom (literally “boss”)

la neta – really seriously. truth.

lo mataron – they killed him

la misa - mass

la muerte ya no tiene dominio – Death no longer has dominion

limones - lemons

mal hablado – foul mouthed

más o menos – more or less

máscara – face , literally “mask”

menos mal – It’s just as well

mijo/mijito - my son (the “ito” or “ita” shows affection)

mija/ mijita - my daughter

mi vida – my life

mi reina – my queen

mi cielo- my heaven

mi todo – my everything

mojados - wetbacks

morrito – little kid

menso – dummy, someone who is stupid and/or annoying, a dumbass

No cabe – it doesn’t fit

No, chale = A term to show disagreement or disapproval of something or some idea. Means the same thing as "hell no" or "hell na." or “yeah right”

No me digas –no kidding

obra de arte – masterpiece

oye – hey, listen

oye,no cabe duda- hey, no doubt

oye,que onda?- hey, what’s up?

oye, que pasó,cabrón – hey dude, what happened?

Padrecito – Father, said with affection (priest)

pandilla mugrosa = little gang of kids

panickeada así – all panicky

paro – favor

paro cardiaco – heart attack (lit. cardiac arrest)

pecadores - sinners

pedo –trouble (lit. “fart”)

peleonera – woman who gets in a lot of fights

pelón – bald, hairless

pero mijito- but my son

Pero te digo una cosa, Dios no es así – But I’ll tell you one thing, God is not like that

pidió palabra – asked for her turn to speak

piedra – gravestone, lit. “ stone, or rock”

pinta = prison

placa – gang moniker

planchado – ironed

porque es lo que haría Jesús – because it is what Jesus would do

primo,a - cousin

premio – prize

profundo - deep

pulmones - lungs

Qué estás haciendo aquí? – what are you doing here?

Qué gacho – how mean

quinceañera – celebration of 15 year old’s rite of passage into womanhood

ranfla - car

ruca- woman, girlfriend, true love

Sabes qué,mijo – you know what, my son

sala – living room

serio - seriously

‘spensa, G – Sorry,G (comes from ‘dispensa’- to pardon or forgive)

tabique - brick

Tatai – Father in quechua

tecato – junkie

Te digo una cosa – I am going to tell you something

Tenemos una llamada de… - we have a call from…

tía - aunt

tío – lit. uncle, also means “guy”

travieso - mischievous

tienda - store

tremendo,a – he/ she is something else

Tú eres basura - You are garbage

tú sabes – you know

unción de enfermos – anointing of the sick

vato - dude

ven,mija – come, my daughter

venta de comida – bake sale or food sale

vete a la casa – go home

viejita- little old lady

yardas – yards

Y ese milagro- and this miracle

y sabes que – and you know what

y todo – and everything

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Thanks to Iwona in Cleveland, Ohio.

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