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The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle, 1999
New World Library
235 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781577314806

In Brief 
A spiritual teaching of rare power and clarity, presented in the form of dialogue between teacher and seeker. Profound insights are gained—we are not our mind; we can find our way out of psychological pain; authentic power is found in surrendering to the now. More than a book—a precious gift, a loving companion, a guide to enlightened living.

Tolle has evolved a philosophy that has parallels in Buddhism, relaxation techniques, and meditation theory but is also eminently practical. In The Power of Now he shows readers how to recognize themselves as the creators of their own pain, and how to have a pain-free existence by living fully in the present. Accessing the deepest self, the true self, can be learned, he says, by freeing ourselves from the conflicting, unreasonable demands of the mind and living present, fully, and intensely, in the Now. (From the publisher.)

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About the Author 

Education—Universities of London and Cambridge
Currently—lives in Vancouver, BC, Canada

Eckhart Tolle was born in Germany in 1948. He spent his teenage years living with his father in Spain, then moved in his early 20s to England where he attended the Universities of London and Cambridge. Following a period of intense personal crisis, he underwent a profound spiritual awakening at the age of 29. He embarked on a long, transformative inner journey that effectively dissolved his old identity and changed the course of his life. Today he is recognized as a great spiritual counselor and an author of inspirational self-help guides. He remains unaffiliated with any organized religion or specific philosophical tradition.

In his first book, The Power of Now (1999), Tolle stressed the importance of living, fully present, in the moment. His powerful message of active self-awareness resonated with millions of readers—including kingmaker Oprah Winfrey—and launched a range of related literature and teaching materials. In 2008, Winfrey selected another Tolle title, A New Earth, for her influential Book Club, joining the author for an online workshop. A sought-after public speaker, Tolle travels extensively, taking his teachings throughout the world.  (From Barnes & Noble.)

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Critics Say . . . 
This is not just another candy-ass elementary level celestine prophetic conversation supposedly with God clone. It is fresh, revealing, current, new inspiration. Power of Now is written from a depth of a person who has considered suicide, gone through his dark night of the soul and has come out the other side into his very personal and ecstatic enlightenment. If you are considering getting back in touch with your soul this book is a great companion.
Common Ground

Now and then, time cultivates these perfect jewels. You find one and think nothing better is possible. Such is The Power of Now. A regular customer at our store, and student of Chi Gong said, "It not only synthesizes everything i've delved into, but it does it so clearly and simply." Many customers report back literally "thrilled" to have come across the book.
Library Journal

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Book Club Discussion Questions 

Use our LitLovers Book Club Resources; they can help with discussions for any book:

How to Discuss a Book (helpful discussion tips)
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Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for The Power of Now:

1. Try to sum up as cogently as possible Tolle's premise for self-enlightenment.

2. What are the ways in which Tolle believes people suffer spiritually? In what ways do individuals create their own pain? What does Tolle mean by the false-created self?

3. Is there a single point—or multiple points—in the book in which you felt an "ah-ah!" Did you experience a moment of revelation or major insight into your life?

4. What role do relationships play in Tolle's path to spiritual awakening? To what extent are they hindrances...or aids...or part of the goal?

5. How helpful do you find Tolle's book as it applies to your own life?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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