We know what you're thinking...because we're thinking it, too. In the few days you have off for the holidays, wouldn't it be lovely to spend them with a good book? Dream on, dear reader.
That pesky prepwork for the holidays has your free time sliced down to barely nothing...and your books spending more time with your bookmarks than with you.
If you’re book-obsessed, (don’t worry—we are too) your holiday might look a little like this.
Yes, that's you, traipsing through rain...sleet...or snow to cut down a tree (or buy it off a corner lot), haul it home and decorate it—all because your personal favorite, the book tree, isn’t up to family standards. That little chore takes up precious reading time.Then there's the spectacle of watching people rrrr-i-p pages out of books for decorations. (Books... really?! Books?!) Go ahead (you're thinking), just rip my heart out while you're at it.
All of your stocking stuffers, and the majority of the gifts you give, come from the book store. It's one-stop shopping—getting it done FAST—so you can get back to that book you're reading. And it's all OK because nothing says love better than the gift of literature.
Of course, what you really hope to see under the tree—with your name on it—is a BIG stack of books. Oh, yes, we remember that stab of disappointment from Christmases past...when the gift wasn't lit related. Oh, well, if you don't get books this year, console yourself: you've always got Christmases future.
Holiday Specials
Speaking of Christmases past and future: convincing your family that there is more than ONE book with great Christmas themes takes time and patience. Charles Dickens did not corner the market! (Though it’s still a terrific read...and a good one for the entire family. Everyone should read it.)
Baking cookiesand doing Christmas dinner can take up more reading time than you want to spare. Just be careful though—don't get too distracted by your fictional life while baking in your real one or... oops....
Safety first, friends. Safety first.
So, yes, all you LitLovers—the holiday struggle is real. But you'll power through. You always do. Remember, there's a good book waiting when all is said and done.
Happy Holidays. And Happy Reading when it's all over!