LitClub:  Twisted Readers
Houston, Texas

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AFTER A FAILED ATTEMPT, followed by a new job with new friends who loved to read, Jada finally got a book group off the ground. All teachers, after only a year, they're going strong with 15 members.

Cool name. What prompted it?
Well, we read..."twisted" books—suspense, psychological thrillers and murder mysteries.

It's perfect—with all the TWISTED characters cropping up in novels lately.
Right. And we also enjoy a good plot TWIST at the end.

So tell us what twisted books you've been reading.
Here's our list over the past year:

The Husband's Secret
Big Little Lies
S is for Stranger
The Girl in the Ice
The Good Girl
The Girl on the Train
Little Black Lies
The Silent Sister

How about a favorite?
We really loved The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty because it was the first book we read and it had an awesome plot that set the platform for the type of books our club likes to read.

Any that disappointed?
The Good Girl by Mary Kubica was one we felt dragged and lacked an exciting twist at the end. 

Any particularly good discussions?
Liane Moriarty's books— The Husband's Secret and Big Little Lies —led to deep discussions. Both books confront issues of family, friends, and relationships, which we all related to. We also related to Moriarty's characters.

Where do you hold your meetings?
We meet at various restaurants in the area, usually Mexican because (duh) we're from Texas!

How do you select books?
Club members make suggestions, and we set up a poll on Facebook to vote for the next month's book.

How about rules?
No rules, we're all teachers. We know how we teach our students to respect one another, so we respect one another as well.

Any parting words to sum up your club?
Our members are diverse in background, age and life experience. Some of us have been friends for years, but a shared love for reading mystery books has expanded our group and brought us all together.

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