Can You Keep a Secret? (Kinsella)

Discussion Questions 
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Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for Can You Keep a Secret?:

1. Confession of a Foodaholic: Okay, I tried to come up with a few talking points, just to help get a discussion off the ground. But...honestly? I couldn't get past Emma's 128 pounds. Come on...1-2-8 !!! Why keep that a secret? Well...that's one question.

2. Perhaps another would have to do with Emma's other secrets...why are they so horrific? In fact, is it possible to truly know someone who is secretive, who withholds information?

3. Or Artemis—how annoying is she? Annoying enough to put orange juice in her plant?

4. Do you know what NATO is?

5. Friends, this is just a good old entertaining read...and if the publisher couldn't come up with any interesting questions, I can't think of any either. Except this one: did you laugh out loud?

(Usually, LitLovers claims credit for its questions, asking only for attribution if used. But not these—there's no pride of authorship here.)

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