Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (McCullers)

Book Reviews
A remarkable book.... [McCullers] writes with a sweep and certainty that are overwhelming. Her art suggests a Van Gogh painting peopled with Faulkner figures.
New York Times

There is not only the delicately sensed need that one might expect youth to know but an even more delicately sensed ironic knowledge.
Chicago Tribune

McCullers writes with a calm and factual realism, and with a deep and abiding insight into human psychology. She does so without an iota of vulgarity and bawdiness, in a manner which many a present day novelist would do well to study.
Boston Globe

To me the most impressive aspect of The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter is the astonishing humanity that enables a white writer, for the first time in Southern fiction, to handle Negro characters with as much ease and justice as those of her own race.
Richard Wright - New Republic

McCullers leaves her characters hauntingly engraved in the reader's memory.
The Nation

When one puts [this book] down, it is with...a feeling of having been nourished by the truth.
May Sarton

McCullers's gift was to evoke, through an accumulation of images and musically repeated phrases, the singularity of experience, not to pass judgment on it.
Joyce Carol Oates

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