

Author Bio
Where—Pernambuco, Brazil
Education—Iowa's Workshop
Awards—Elle Grand Prix (see below)
Currently—lives in Chicago, Illinois, USA

Frances de Pontes Peebles is the author of the novel The Seamstress (2008), which was translated into nine languages and won the Elle Grand Prix for fiction, the Friends of American Writers Award, and the James Michener-Copernicus Society of America Fellowship. She followed her debut ten years later with The Air You Breathe (2018).

The decade between those two books was the result of Peebles' move back to Brazil with her husband to manage her family's coffee farm.

We helped them build a business of selling gourmet coffee to Brazilians. Farming was 24/7, so I didn't write during that time. Then we had a daughter. Motherhood changed my brain and how I worked. I had to sneak writing in when my daughter napped. I had to fight for this book in a way I didn't with the first.

Peebles' short stories have appeared in O. Henry Prize Stories, Zoetrope: All-Story, Missouri Review, and Indiana Review.

Born in Pernambuco, Brazil, Peebles is a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop. (From Amazon and  Maimi New Times. Retrieved 9/11/2018.)