

Discussion Questions
Our thanks to Rena DeBerry of Salem, Virginia, for submitting these terrific discussion questions to LitLovers.

1. Did the book description meet your expectations?

2. Pages 286-291 - The book reveals that television media is not liablefor sharing only parts of truth or responsible for providing fairnessdoctrine when covering new story. In addition, there is no recourse for erroneous view and can only proceed reckless disregard which is very difficult to approve. What is your opinion of the practice?

3. Why is a personal video with a child in it from the airplane to be made a public not a privacy issue? What about the passenger’s rights? Was it violated with the video?

4. Some version of the excuse "you don’t understand" is used by Casey throughout the book. Do you agree or think it is an opt out for responsibility?

5. Let’s discuss Union. Throughout the book there is Union unrest and "accidents". Are they believable? Are they justified? How does this translate to modern times? In real life, do you think the Union Representative would have really warned Casey? Why do you think Don warned Casey?

6. Knowing you were on the Union’s "hitlist" would you have been as reckless as Casey in her search for the truth?

7. Throughout the book "company gossip" was the main form of communication. How have you been affected by company gossip, both true and untrue?

8. Would you have gone on the test flight?

9. Pages 412-417 -Were the "finding of 545" believable? Do you really believe that a major airline (foreign or domestic) would be so irresponsible in letting a noncertified pilot (familial or not) fly the plane?

10. Page 416-417 - Let’s discuss naivety as Casey described. Does it apply to just the pilot and Jennifer or also other characters?

Casey shrugged, "He loves his son. We believe he’s allowed him to fly on other occasions. But there’s a reason why commercial pilots are required to train extensively on specific equipment, to be certified. He didn’t know what he was doing, and he got caught."

Casey closed the door, and thought: And so did you.

11. Did you know Richman and Marder were the saboteurs of Casey’s investigation? If so, what tipped you off?

12.Greed is an underlying them throughout the book. Hal for the China sale. Marder for the Korea sale. How did greed influence the aircraft report? The Union? Media appearance? Was it justified? Was it believable?

13.With all the issues Norton faced, would the deal with China actually have gone through?

14.Because of Marder’s deception, what do you think the downfall of the Korea sale would have been for Norton? Marder?

15.Were you satisfied with the neat tied up endings for everyone? Casey? Norton? Marder? Richman? Malone?

16.On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate Airframe? Would you recommend Airframe? Why or why not?

(Questions courtesy of Rena DeBerry. Please feel free to use them, online of off, with attribution to both LitLovers and Rena. Thanks.)

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