

Discussion Questions
These excellent questions have been graciously proviced by our "Associate," Jennifer Johnsnon, MA, MLIS, the Reference Librarian at the Springdale (Arkansas) Public Library. Thank you—againJennifer!

1. Consider what you knew before reading Alexander Hamilton. Did the author do justice to the historical figure of Alexander Hamilton and his legacy? How did this tome change what you knew and thought of the man, Alexander Hamilton?

2. According to Hamilton, when discussing his mother and her marriages:

'Tis a very good thing when their stars unite two people who are fit for each other, who have souls capable of relishing the sweets of friendship and sensibilities… but it’s a dog of [a] life when two dissonant tempers meet.

Looking back at his lineage, what lessons did Hamilton learn from his family? Despite his intellect, did he follow a similar star-crossed path as his parents?

3. Chernow identifies that Hamilton was the blockade in Aaron Burr’s professional career. Describe the relationship between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton? What actions or events ultimately fated them to their ends?

4. Sometimes, children from single parent homes or homes with difficult parentage can result in the child consciously or subconsciously seeking a “father” figure throughout their lives. Do you think that this is true in the case of Hamilton’s life? Can we identify any possible “father” or guardianship figures in his life?

4. Consider the relationship between Hamilton and the Schuyler sisters. In his popular Broadway play, Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda describes a complicated and often blurred relationship between Hamilton, Eliza, and Angelica. Consider the below lyrics –

[Hamilton sings]
Eliza, I don’t have a dollar to my name
An acre of land, a troop to command, a dollop of fame
All I have’s my honor, a tolerance for pain
A couple of college credits and my top-notch brain
Insane, your family brings out a different side of me
Peggy confides in my, Angelica tried to take a bite of me
No stress, my love for you is never in doubt.

[Angelica sings]
In a letter I received from you two weeks ago
I noticed a comma in the middle of a phrase
It changed the meaning. Did you intend this?
One stroke and you’ve consumed my waking days
It says:
My dearest Angelica
With a comma after “dearest.” You’ve written
My dearest, Angelica.

Do you think the portrayal of Hamilton as a lover, cheater, and scoundrel are an accurate portrayal?

5. Time and time again, we read how Hamilton was starved for knowledge, education, and self-improvement while also writing like he was literally running out of time. What could have caused this inability to be satisfied with one’s class, rank, etc.?

6. Chernow explains that…

In all probability, Alexander Hamilton is the foremost political figure in American history who never attained the presidency, yet he probably had a much deeper and more lasting impact than many who did.

Do you agree with Chernow’s conclusion? Please explain.

7. What did you think of the relationship between Alexander Hamilton and James Madison? How did they, after being party affiliated and co-authoring The Federalists Papers, become enemies?

8. Historians are often reviewing the relationship between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. Why do you think this relationship was so difficult, combative, and rebellious? How did the relationship, do you think, change after Hamilton gave his nomination of Jefferson in the 1801 election?

9. According to Chernow, Eliza tasked her decedents – “justice shall be done to the memory of my Hamilton.” Why did she want justice for him and how did she prove that she was, according to Hamilton, the “best of wives and  best of women”?

10. Do you consider Ron Chernow to be a good biographer? Why or why not?

11. What are the successes of Alexander Hamilton as a man, politician / government official, and “man of letters”?

12. What are the failures of Alexander Hamilton? How have those failures marked him in the historical record?

14. What parallels can we identify between the political environment of the 1790s and early 1800s to our current political environment?

15. What was Hamilton’s view of slavery and how is it depicted in the book?

16. While Eliza preserved every possible item that Alexander wrote and document associated with him, how well did Eliza preserve her story? What do you think are the causes that gap the written record?

17. In the 1790s, Alexander faced political decline and withdrew from society. What do you think are the causes for that quietness and withdrawal?

18. Throughout the book, Hamilton is constantly fighting and taking every possible opportunity he could to rise higher in station. While he obviously faced many hardships throughout his life, who do you think were his champions – those who saw the potential in who he would / could become?

19. Do you think the duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton could have been avoided? What factors / events led to the duel?

20. What similarities can you identify between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton? What differences can you identify between the two men?

(Questions submitted to LitLovers by Jennifer Johnson, MA, MLIS, Reference Librarian, Springdale Public Library. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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