

Discussion Questions
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Also, consider these LitLovers talking points to help start a discussion for All Stories Are Love Stories:

1. Consider the significance of the date of the earth quake—a seismic event taking place on Valentine's Day.

2. What does the statement mean that San Francisco is "the best city America ever had the accidental luck to create." In what way is it "accidental luck"?

3. Talk about the title? Are all stories love stories? What does this novel have to say about the nature of love? What roles do redemption and forgiveness play in love?

4. What do we learn about the previous relationship between Max and Vashti? What happened 14 years ago, what has happened since, and what happens while the two are trapped during the quake? Do you sympathize with one more than the other?

5. How much to blame is Gene for failing to predict the quake?

6. What roles do families play in these love stories? How does family affect the relationships between Max and Vashti and between Gene and Franklin?

7. Was the novel's ending predictable? Are you satisfied with the way it ended?

8. Reviewers also see Percer's novel as a love story about San Francisco itself. Would you agree? Does All Stories Are Love Stories make you long for a trip to the city? Of if you live in the Bay Area, do the descriptions resonate with your own feelings about the city?

(Questions by LitLovers Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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