

Discussion Questions
We'll add specific questions if and when they're made available by the publisher. In the meantime, use these LitLovers talking points to start a discussion for Along the Infinite Sea...then take off on your own:

1. Talk about the two women, Pepper and Annabelle. Describe their personalities—how they differ from and how they resemble one another. What does Annabelle see in Pepper (other than the pregnancy) that draws her to the younger woman?

2. Is it probable that a woman with a Jewish lover, especially if he joins the Resistance, would fall in love with a Nazi officer? How does the author portray Johann? Talk, then, about the nature of love—how it grows in the most improbable of circumstances and is capable of surmounting obstacles thrown in its path. Does love conquer all?

3. The story switches back and forth between the two heroines and two time frames. Did you find one story more compelling than the other, or were both equally engaging to you?

4. Did you find the plot predictable? Or were you pleasantly surprised by the twists and turns and the way in which the book ended?

5. Have you read Beatriz Williams's two previous books in the Schuyler sisters series. If so, how does this book compare? Is it necessary to have read the other two before reading this third installment, or does this last stand on its own?

6. Talk about the title of the book, "Along the Infinite Sea," and its significance to the story?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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