

Book Reviews
(The following review was compiled by the publisher as a news release complied and mailed to over 600 media outlets throughout the English-speaking world.)

In The Angel with Burnt Wings, Jensen's new fictional memoir, readers are invited into the deepest, darkest recesses of Jensen's mind as she takes them into the once black hole of sexual abuse, crime and punishment that was her life.

Readers meet Alice, Jensen's alter ego, the angel with burnt wings, who lives a shackled life. As Alice begins to find herself and break away from the pit of despair she has fallen into, she also begins to shed her skin of Alice. With each step she takes towards the distant light, she begins to become Jensen.

Readers wach as Alice becomes a distant memory left in the cold, damp jail cell and how Jensen pushes her new life up into the light to become a golden girl.

This book looks back at her past life, says Jensen. It looks back at her downfall into a web of sex, shackles and shame and how she overcame and persevered to become the woman she is today. Only with God's help can we soar above the crushing influences. Only with God can we turn a mess into a message, a test into a testimony, a trial into triumph and a victim into a victory.
Authorhouse publishers