

Discussion Questions
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Also, consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for Angels Fall:

1. How would you describe Reece Gilmore's state of mind as she settles into her new life in Angel's Fist? Why did she decide to end psychiatric treatment in Boston and head off for parts unknown? Do you consider her fragile, tough, neurotic, clear-sighted ... what?

2. What makes her decide to stay in Angel's Fist? Do you find the town's residents engaging—does Roberts do a good job of creating life-like characters? Consider Joanie, in particular. Who else do you find likable (with the exception of Brody... we'll get to him next)?

3. Yes, Brody: what draws Reece to him...and he to her? How does Brody respond to or treat Reece? Describe his character traits. Is he your idea of a romantic hero—is he a keeper? Was the romance predictable?

4. Talk about the wedding soup and the shopping scenes? Do you find them funny?

5. Why does everyone except Brody disbelieve Reece when she witnesses the murder? Why does Brody believe her? Could it have anything to do with his career as a mystery writer?

6. Discuss the tricks being played on Reece. How does she respond? How unnerved would any of us have been?

7. Was the ending satisfactory? Were you surprised by the resolution of the murder...or had you figured it out? Whom did you suspect along the way?

8. The novel is to a great extent the story of Reece's journey back to health. To what degree does she heal by the story's end?

9. Have you read other Nora Roberts books? If so, how does this one stack up to the others? If you haven't read Roberts before, does this one inspire you to read her others?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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