

Book Reviews
Subtle.... Miller writes effectively about the tense underpinnings of a summer community.... Full of Miller’s signature intelligence about people caught between moral responsibility and a hunger for self-realization.
Jean Hanff Korelitz - New York Times Book Review

Thoughtful intense.... An ambitious, big-issue novel.... The Arsonist takes place far removed from national news or world conflicts, but it, too, reflects the most urgent matters of our time.... When even mentioning the widening distance between the classes is considered an act of class warfare, it’s encouraging to watch Miller’s novel negotiate this awkward fact of American life.... The continuing miracle of Miller’s compelling storytelling [is] she knows these people matter, and as she moves gently from one character's perspective to another, her sensitive delineation of their lives convinces us of that.
Ron Charles - Washington Post

Entertaining and highly readable.... Miller’s scenes are terrific. She is expert at moving people in and out of rooms in a visual and easy way [and] describing physical chemistry and attraction in a way that manages to avoid all cliche.... Fantastic sizzle, both sexual and spiritual.... A cracking good romance... Will keep you reading.
Boston Globe

Lyrical, compelling.../ Miller’s portrayal of the fragility of relationships and fear of the unknown—of the thing sthat happen to and around us that we can’t control—are spot-on.... Miller is a nuanced storyteller who portrays real life... Provocative, suspenseful, and emotional.
Minneapolis Star Tribune

Miller eschews easy cliffhangers or narrative deceits. The momentum grows instead from her compassionate handling of these characters.... Not all questions are answered, nor all mysteries solved, but the end of the book is imbued with the same quiet energy that’s been building throughout; it’s not happy, exactly—that would be too easy—but, in true Sue Miller fashion, it’s triumphant.

A provocative novel about the boundaries of relationships and the tenuous alliance between locals and summer residents when a crisis is at hand.... Miller, a pro at explicating family relationships as well as the fragile underpinnings of mature romance, brilliantly explores how her characters define what ‘home’ means to them and the lengths they will go to protect it.
Publishers Weekly

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Library Journal

With her trademark elegant prose and masterful command of subtle psychological nuance, Miller explores the tensions between the summer people and the locals in a small New Hampshire town.... In this suspenseful and romantic novel, Miller delicately parses the value of commitment and community, the risky nature of relationships, and the yearning for meaningful work. —Joanne Wilkinson

The heart of the story really lies in Sylvie and Alfie’s marriage.... Miller’s portrayal of early Alzheimer’s and the toll it takes on a family is disturbingly accurate and avoids the sentimental uplift prevalent in issue-oriented fiction.... Miller captures all the complicated nuances of a family in crisis.
Kirkus Reviews