

Author Bio
Aka—Mohammed Moulessehoul
Birth—January 10, 1955
Where—Kenadsa, Sahara, Algeria
Education—Officer in Algerian Army
Currently—Aix-en-Provence, France

Yasmina Khadra is the nom de plume of the Algerian army officer Mohammed Moulessehoul, who is the author of four other books published in English: Double Blanc, Morituri, In the Name of God and Wolf Dreams. He took the feminine pseudonym to avoid submitting his manuscripts for approval by military censors while he was still in the army. He lives in France. (From the publisher.)

From an interview with Barnes & Noble:

When asked about his favorite books, here is what he said:

The Stranger by Albert Camus—for the calm power of its simplicity in translating the absurdity of the human condition.
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck—for its realism and the extraordinary handling of its characters. John Steinbeck is my favorite author.
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky—for its talent at revealing the pettiness of humans and their awful stupidity.
The Days by Taha Hossein—for the lucidity of its story and for the beauty of its language.
Sophie's Choice by William Styron—for the crudeness of its humanism and its implacable concern with reconstructing horror in its absolute cruelty, human cruelty.
Regain by Jean Giono—for his poetry and the sobriety of his talent.
The Quai of Flowers Doesn't Answer by Malek Haddad —for its beauty.
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy—for his genius.
The Trial by Franz Kafka—for many reasons.
The Swallows of Kabul—because I wrote it.