

Discussion Questions
1. What are the major themes of this story? How does the title support those themes? Explain your thoughts.

2. What story events caused the characters to change and grow? Who changed the most? Explain.

3. Author Susan Mallery is widely lauded for evoking strong reader emotions with her books. Which moments in Barefoot Season triggered the strongest emotions in you? Did the ending satisfy you, or do you wish the story would have had a different ending?

4. Did you relate most to Carly or Michelle? Why?

5. Why do you think Michelle was so angry with Carly when she first returned? According to Carly, she was the one who had the right to be angry. Do you agree? Why or why not?

6. Carly’s past haunted her. Why do you think Carly stayed on Blackberry Island? Would you have moved to a different town? Why or why not? How have you changed since high school?

7. Michelle was damaged by the war, both physically and emotionally. Do you think her emotional damage would have been reduced if she hadn’t also been injured physically? Why or why not? Do you think she would have healed faster? Why or why not? Do you know someone who has been to war? Did he or she come back a different person?

8. What did you think of Damaris when she first appeared in Barefoot Season? How did your feelings about her change as the story progressed? How did you feel about Michelle’s decision about what to do about Damaris?

9. Have you ever stayed at a private inn or B&B? Did you like it more or less than staying at a hotel chain? Why?

10. What did you think of Chance and Mr. Whiskers? Have you ever known a dog and cat that became friends? Have you rescued an animal?
(From the author's website: Visit Susan Mallery online. )

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