

Beyond the Pond
Jennie Samuel, 2012
Cedar Light Pub.
Kindle only (~273 pp.)
ISBN-13: 9780692018019

Nothing is Ever What it Seems!

Beyond The Pond takes the young reader on a journey back in time from the Indian Legend of the Cedar tree, to the almost near tragedy that changed Cathryn Price's life forever. Today, Cathryn's great granddaughter, Linda, and her nine year old son, Brady, live in Cathryn's old Victorian home. Brady struggles with changes in his life and finds bringing back his great grandmother's old pond helps to distract him from his own personal tragedies.

But, things have changed with this pond.

What Bradley doesn't know is that the pond and Cedar are in danger due to night prowlers and a Texas drought. The answer is for Olivia, a new fish, to leave the pond in search of a hidden spring and its inhabitants to save the legendary Cedar. And so, a new journey begins deep beneath the earth through an ancient passageway. Olivia's adventure not only encounters danger, but she discovers a secret kept safe by Brady's grandmother for over 50 years.

Brady learns to cope with embarrassment and defeat, and finds that God has a plan for him after all. Beyond The Pond presents an interesting collection of characters, including one who has been around since The Beginning. The gospel message is explained in a simple truth between the most unlikely couple. (From the author.)

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Author Bio
Birth—December, 1948
Where—Hollywood, California, USA
Education—Pierce Jr. College
Currently—Granada Hills, California

With a 28 year career of writing insurance investigation reports, Jennie decided to take a frog leap from fact to fiction.  She has received several awards as Investigator of the Year from her company, Specialized Investigations. Beyond The Pond is a blend of truth, fiction and fantasy, woven with the gospel message. Jennie holds to the central truths of the Christian faith believing that the Bible is God's only word to us today, and that Jesus Christ is Savior. She is a member of Valley Presbyterian Church, (PCA), North Hills, CA, and confirms the Apostle's Creed as her confession of faith.

Jennie's inspiration to write Beyond The Pond came from actual events and visitors to her own backyard pond. When her first grandson was born, Jennie wanted to pass along the secrets of Pinecone Pond to him. After all, she already had most of her characters—she just gave them voices on a page.

Cedar Light Publishing was founded by Jennie Samuel as a way to publish her first children's novel. The company name comes from one of the elements in the story.

Olivia takes a tiny Cedar wood chip with her on a dangerous journey to light her way in a dark world far from the pond. This is a reminder to trust in Christ, the Light of the World, and allow Him to guide you on the right path. Let your light shine at school, in your neighborhood and all around town, reflecting that:

You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. —Matthew 5:14.

Jennie lives with her husband Ben and their yellow lab Champ in Granada Hills, California. (From the author. Visit Jennie's website.)

Book Reviews
(The following reviews are all by Amazon Customers.)

I enjoyed this book. It brought me into a lovely family with a lot of history and
the 'intrigue' of a secret place. I want to read the sequel!!!! Thanks for a lovely book.
beautiful tahoe

Wonderful story; engaging enough for kids and adults reading to kids....This is an allegory with a spiritual story underlying the plot and characters; an outstanding work by a first-time author. Enough mystery and fantasy to engage readers of all ages; in part, inspired by a Cherokee legend. I loved the animal characters. Although the story starts in the 1950's, it quickly moves to present day and references contemporary things (like curly fries) that kids will relate to. There is a lot of information about nature, animals and even hydrology subtly woven into the story without making it feel academic. The Beyond the Pond FB page has photos of the characters the story was based on. A great book for Home-Schools, where it could be incorporated into several subject lessons. A great Christmas gift; it's on my list.
M. Watanabe "Booklady"

Great Book.... This is a good book, I am eleven years old and I enjoyed reading this creative book. If you like mystical creatures and animals this is a good book for you. I am looking forward to the sequel.
Kid's Review

A very fun and enjoyable read.... I thoroughly enjoyed Beyond The Pond. The colorful animal characters are reminiscent of those in the timeless story of Charlotte's Web and the more recent favorite Finding Nemo. The technique the author used to weave together the human story and the animal story and the interactions between the two produced an intriguing tale that both older kids and adults will enjoy. I can't wait to read the sequel.

Finished your book today—you are a very creative and descriptive writer! I really liked the way you brought it all together at the end—looking forward to the sequel.

Discussion Questions
1. Why would Cathryn not share the secret about Murdoch with her husband or children, yet she felt it was okay to tell her granddaughter, Rosalie, about him?

2. Why do you suppose Murdoch saved Cathryn when he had let others drown before her?

3. Who did you think the tall figure behind the fence was when this character was first introduced in the story?

4. There were several "fears" or "uncertainties" mentioned in the story that happened to Brady and Olivia. Discuss those fears and how best to get through them.

5. Thalia had been given a special roll by the Creator to protect the land surrounding her. What other historical events do you think she may have seen standing in one place all those years since the 1800s (besides the ones mentioned in the book?)

6. Who was your favorite character in the book and why?

7. Both Brady, Olivia and Murdoch had to make changes when they moved from their family home to a new one. Do you think the other characters in the story helped or made matters worse for them?

8. Do you think it was a good idea that Gaspar and Coyote teamed up together? Why?

9. What does it mean to you to "Rest in God?" Do you think Brady ever put his trust in God? When?

10. There are several times in the story in which rules are broken. Cathryn, Olivia and Murdoch was known not to follow certain rules. What were the results of breaking rules?

11. We don't always understand why bad things happen, or that God may have a reason when he puts trials in our life. How did losing the baseball game affect Brady's relationship with God at the time....then later?

12. Both Brady and Olivia had to make new friends at their new homes, then they both lost the new friend they had made. How did they react to this loss?

13. Compare Olivia's trust in the Cedar light to trusting in Christ. What does light do? Why did some of the characters in the story turn away from the light? Why do people turn away from knowing Christ as their savior? What are some "light" Bible scriptures?

14. Why do you suppose that Coyote would trust Gaspar again?

15. At first, Olivia was insulted that she would be asked to take a dangerous trip. What changed her mind and what gave her the courage to make that trip.

16. Olivia was told that whenever she felt like giving up to trust in the light and it would give her something she needed to continue to move on. What was it ? How did that affect Charlie? How does that affect you? Where do you put your trust?

17. What did Cathryn do to save herself from drowning? Discuss the similarities between Murdoch saving Cathryn and Christ saving us?

18. What kind of friendship did Sterling and Murdoch have? How did Sterling help Murdoch to endure his lonliness and depression at the spring?

19. Discuss Artesia's view of herself. Was she right or wrong?

20. The gospel message was discussed between several of the characters in the book. Recall how each situation came about for Linda and Brady; Cathryn and Murdoch; and Artesia and Murdoch to talk about God with someone they knew. Do you think you could look for opportunities to bring up the gospel to others in the simple way that it was mentioned in the book?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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