

Author Bios
John Silverwood
Where—Detroit, Michigan, USA
Education—B.A., Colgate University
Currently—San Diego, California

I was born at Henry Ford Hospital near the Detroit River.  I could just say “wa-wa” when I was brought to Cincinnati, Ohio for nine years before finishing puberty in Devon, Pa., as the oldest of four sons. My college education as a geology major at Colgate University endured a two-year interruption caused by a 36’ sailboat I’d built and sailed through the Caribbean. Work found me in heavy construction, big power plants on deep rivers, and a stint in St. Thomas, USVI. There were two more sailboats, and then love found me at first sight, through the eyes of Jean and refocused through four young pairs of eyes while working as a real estate developer and homebuilder.
There was this need to re- learn to walk before I could write, then immersing myself in writing Black Wave and rewarding its completion with a sail from Auckland N.Z. to the tropics. Currently I serve on the Board of Directors, as well as the Executive Committee, and oversee boat donations for the San Diego/Imperial County Boy Scouts of America.  I have enjoyed volunteering for, and sailing with, Challenged America (an organization that teaches disabled children and adults how to sail).  I am continuing to write and speak whenever I get the chance.

Jean Silverwood
• Rasied—New York City, New York, USA
Rasied—Pleasantville, New York
Currently—San Diego, California

was born in New York City, the oldest of six children and grew up in Pleasantville, NY.  I commuted by train into Manhattan for college and subsequently worked in Advertising sales for a magazine there.  Standing on the frigid train platform in the middle of February  inspired me to move to warmer weather and I was offered a chance to move to St. Croix in the USVI where sailing became a part of my life.  After two years in the Virgin Islands,  paradise became too much to handle and I moved back to New York, met John, got married and settled in San Diego.  I became an account executive in commercial insurance and later  joined forces with John to open a real estate development firm.  During this time,  we had three beautiful children, Ben, Amelia and Jack.  When our fourth child Camille came along it was time to retire from the office.  This was the time I started planning our getaway on a sailboat.  
Currently I am busy raising my children, animals (dog and a cat), writing, public speaking and volunteering for several local organizations in San Diego.   I am continually inspired to tell our story and the gift of life that God gave us
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