

Book Reviews
[W]ith every loss comes the triumph of the human spirit. Hoffman doesn’t wrap it up with a pretty bow. She makes it real. Her characters survive with grit, persistence, the passage of time, and occasionally, some pretty twisted mental and physical hang-ups. But they are survivors and their survival left its mark on me. READ MORE …
Kathy Aspden, AUTHOR - LitLovers

Fire, water, milk, pears, halibut…play important symbolic and sometimes almost magical roles. This may not be the subtlest of literary devices, but Hoffman's lyrical prose weaves an undeniable spell.
Publishers Weekly

[A] change for Hoffman whose fiction often features…a bit of magic.… [H]haunted-and haunting-characters populate the tales, which are also notable for their intense sense of place. Hoffman's many fans should welcome this little gem with enthusiasm. —Starr E. Smith, Fairfax Cty. P.L., VA
Library Journal

[E]ntrancing.… Hoffman…orchestrates intense romances and profound sacrifices. Those who live in Blackbird House, by turns brilliant, crazy, and courageous, follow their dreams, endure nightmares, and find that their numinous home is as much a part of their being as their parents' DNA.

With a dozen stories, some more clearly connected than others but all set in the same farmhouse on Cape Cod from the time of the British blockade to the present, Hoffman creates a continuous narrative built up through a sense of place.…. A quiet but deeply moving achievement of lyric power.
Kirkus Reviews