

Author Bio
Where—Kingston, Jamaica
Education—B.A., Rollins College
Currently—Central Florida, USA

Kerry Gordon is a freelance writer for Demand Media Studios, worked twelve years in administration, management, security surveillance, and briefly as a secretary in immigration law.

She is the author of Blind Sky (2014), enjoys tea, reruns of Sex and the City, Marvel Comic book movies, yoga, trying foods from different cultures, and would like to travel more, as her destinations so far include Bonn and Cologne Germany, and Paris France.
The inspiration for Blind Sky came after watching a program on the History Channel about the Lost City of Atlantis, with many scholars, researchers and historians speculating centuries of myths, mysteries and stories of this highly advanced civilization which has been debated to exist, but suddenly disappeared and possibly underwater, fostering the birth of Blind Sky, a concept of an advanced group of citizens living on earth in a world of prestige, unimaginable power and vitality and supreme technological advancement all under immense secrecy. (From the author.)

Visit the author's website.