

Book Reviews
This dark, disturbing debut…announces the arrival of a fierce new talent.
Daily Mail (UK)

A gripping tale, well-written and cleverly plotted...[that] demonstrates vividly how destructive [stalking] can be.
Literary Review (UK)

[I]ntimate, chilling first novel, an update of Samuel Richardson’s Clarissa.... With flawless timing, the author traces how Rafe isolates Clarissa, threatens her, and pries into the most private details of her life... Kendal spins a tale that’s troubling, raw, and gripping.
Publishers Weekly

Kendal expertly heightens the suspense while offering a disturbing portrait of a clever stalker who believes himself to be in love.

The victim of a relentless stalker looks for a way out in Kendal's debut novel. Police shrugged their shoulders.... Kendal uses her writing skills to fine advantage.... Unfortunately, it's hard to believe Clarissa would endure so much abuse from Rafe.... Nicely written novel with a plot that will strain reader credulity.
Kirkus Reviews