

Discussion Questions
The following questions were generously offered to us by Elaine Steele, Librarian, Gales Ferry Library in Connecticut. Many thanks, Elaine:

1. Why do you think the author chose the title "Brass"?
2. Does anyone have a connection with brass factories?
3. Why do you think Luljeta’s sections are written in second person?
4. How does culture play into this story? Does anyone have any experience with Albanian or Lithuanian culture?
5. How did you feel about Bashkim’s behavior with his money? What about with his wife and Elsie?
7. Why do you think Luljeta admired her aunt Greta so much?
8. How are Elsie and Luljeta’s stories the same? Different?
0. Did you feel as if Elsie or Luljeta changed throughout the course of the novel?
10. Did the ending surprise you?

(Questions created by Elaine Steele and submitted to LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online and off, with attribution to both. Thanks.)

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