

Catching Rain 
Sharon Duerst, 2014
White Spring
320 pp.
ISBN-13: 9780985537821

Mia Casinelli is captivated by Mexico - a life long-lost and a mysterious woman in her dreams. She sees a future in the smile of a stranger there, but what to do about Gerald back in Oregon?

How can she build a new life with only words and inklings to lead the way?

This book is the sequel to Mending Stones (2012).

Author Bio
Where—the state of Idaho, USA
Raised—the state of Oregon
Education—B.S., University of Oregon
Currently—lives in Bend, Oregon

When not writing or walking or tackling creative challenges, Sharon Duerst enjoys family and friends and many opportunities to appreciate the beauty of nature. After growing up in Idaho and the Columbia River Gorge, Sharon finished college in the Willamette Valley, and started her career in education and long-term care on the Oregon Coast. Now living on the high desert of Central Oregon, with wide spaces of time and landscape to explore, she finds great inspiration in natural environments. (From the author.)

Visit the author's website.

Book Reviews
The following reviews were posted on Goodreads.

I had my coffee and started reading, ate lunch while reading and didn’t stop until reaching the beautiful ending! I laughed…I cried…I rejoiced in how Mia changed her life! I loved this story! It reminded me how important it is to take risks in life and move toward what is wanted— even if not knowing at all where it will lead. Following intuition can be life altering! I feel the characters are friends, and I wonder what is next in their lives! I don’t want to let them go! — Jet McCann

I loved the depth of the story, and the characters! I couldn’t put it down until I finished reading! It was so good! Nothing left out! I loved the ending!! I’m amazed at the places the story went. I want to look up the attractions at the back of the book and plan a Catching Rain Itinerary! — Karen Martell

I could not put this book down! So easy to read…Really flowed. Great story line…Loved reading about the different locations. — Katrena Meyer

“A great book! The poetry is fascinating. I love the travel, and especially being able to relate to all the places in the Pacific Northwest. I also love a great love story, and I needed tissue at the end! — Connie Van Sickle

Catching Rain picks up where Mending Stone left off, tied up loose ends with enough tragedy and heartache, but ends beautifully—exactly where you would want it to! — Debbie Wiemeyer

Love the story—the mystery unfolding about who Mia is…Love the focus on intuition, and attention to dreams and images…Love the relationships…Love the locations…many of my favorite places…the Northwest…San Francisco…Mexico…What a lovely story! I loved reading this book! — Maria Carlos

Discussion Questions
1.  What part does intuition play in the plot?

2.  Do you see growth in Mia?

3.  How does the environment in Mexico influence Mia?

4.  What do you find surprising or shocking?

5.  Do you think Mia will continue writing? Or was it only part of her processing—a necessary step in her evolving thoughts and healing?

6.  Did you enjoy the travel features?

7.  What is your favorite part of the story?

8.  Who do you think is the wisest character?

9.  Who is your favorite character? Why?

10. Do you believe in fate? Divine intervention? Prayer?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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