

Discussion Questions
1. Have you considered the Bible miracles may be illusion but may be real?

2. Did you know humans are confirmed to not come from Chimps? We only had a common ancestor?

3. Have you considered the same sounds convey the same emotion in both Germanic and Latin languages? Example, OH! means pain in both. Or extreme pleasure. Consider the impact on post-internet written and spoken communication in war, romance, and basic relationships?

4. Did you know some Native Americans came from Asia and some from old England? Before the Dutch and Goths started building castles in 1100 C.E. (A.D.)?

5. Do you know looking similar in the cheek bones creates similar buying, feeding, and mating habits? Mating as in relationships for life?

6. Did you know personal trainers (like the author) use the thought of an age to sculpt the body into the desired fit, like the "biologically immortal" jelly fish found in 2010 and found in the book?

7. Do you know you can use modern technology commonly found in the home to communicate with the spirits of the living and the dead like Native Americans and Scots have done since the founding of Europe? Have you used the technique found in the book (a new technique based on centuries used by the family of the author)?

8. Have you seen a shadow or light apparition like the one featured in print in the book?

9. Do you now have supreme confidence you can double your chances of finding the perfect mate based on the advertising insight found in the book? (Two things don't lie bankruptcy and success.) Have you seen the pictures? Have you added all the insights from each chapter to form a mission in building your perfect romantic and business relationships? What are your romantic goals now?

(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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