

Book Reviews
This line between where technology moves from value-adding to tyrannical is the ground Eggers explores: …who has the power to decide what will be done with the endless amounts of information we unwittingly and consistently offer up from our personal devices?  Eggers, successfully I think, argues that whoever has the data will own our hearts. It is a gripping concept to explore. READ MORE …
Abby Fabiaschi - LitLovers

The Circle turns into a story of suspense and the publisher said the work...raises questions about memory, history, privacy, democracy and the limits of human knowledge.
Independent (UK)

[A] stunning work of terrifying plausibility, a cautionary tale of subversive power in the digital age suavely packaged as a Silicon Valley social satire.... Eggers presents a Swiftian scenario so absurd in its logic and compelling in its motives that the worst thing possible will be for people to miss the joke. The plot moves at a casual, yet inexorable pace.... [A] worthy and entertaining read despite its slow burn.
Publishers Weekly

[P]articularly relevant to our current concerns about Internet-facilitated invasion of privacy.
Library Journal