

Author Bio
S. (Shannon) A. Chakraborty is an American writer of speculative fiction, whose debut novel, The City of Brass, was published in 2017. Chakraborty was born in New Jersey and now makes her home with her husband and daughter in Queens, New York City, New York.

The City of Brass, the first book in the planned "The Daevabad Trilogy," takes place in the 18th-century Middle East. The manuscript made news when it was purchased for somewhere in the "high six-figures" by HarperCollins. The publisher admitted to haven been taken by Chakraborty's ability to create "this wonderfully rich world" of the "Mughal Empire, the Sunni-Shia conflict, and Persian and Indian folklore." While "relevant to current events … it’s action-packed, delicious escapist storytelling at its best."

When she's not pouring over books on Mughal portraiture or Omani history, Chakraborty is active in the Brooklyn Speculative Fiction Writers’ Group as one of its organizers. Hiking, knitting, and cooking "unnecessarily complicated medieval meals" at home, occupy whatever spare time is left. (Adapted from the Bath Novel Award and the author's website)