

Discussion Questions
1. What was life like in a 9th century Irish monastery and how did it differ from, say, the 14th century?

2. Why, with so many monasteries in Ireland, was it intellectually behind compared with much of Europe?

3. How did Riordan and Griffin Clonmac face similar situations?

4. Did you find the main characters clearly holding values you consider important? Or, did you find someone with no clear definition of his/her inner self?

5. What do you think of Franken Twissle and Prof. Daley Garvey? Is there any supporting character you found charming, enigmatic, boring, dreadful? Who and why?

6. Mari Quispe is a female archaeologist from Peru. What special challenges did she face there? Do you think females in Latin-america have to strive the way she did to get a career? The patriarchal model is stronger there than, say, in Europe or America. Can be that considered as a mark of a different culture?

7. Did she differ from the Latin type presented in movies, TV shows or popular culture trends? If yes, in what way? Did you enjoy her personality?

8. How do you characterize Leslie Armandson? What would be your reaction if you met a woman like her?

9. With the election of Pope Francis, the Catholic Church seems to have a boost in popularity. What do you think of Father Yadiel, from Puerto Rico?

10. Did the novel spark some interest in archaeology? Is there any one aspect you found particularly interesting?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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