

Discussion Questions
1. What was unique about the setting of the book and how did it enhance or take away from the story?

2. What specific themes did the author emphasize throughout the novel? What do you think he or she is trying to get across to the reader?

3. How do characters change or evolve throughout the course of the story? What events trigger such changes?

4. When Beau is unable to reach Tess to alert her to his safety, he makes the decision to surprise Tess, and requests that Kevin not tell her. Do you think that was a romantic or an unfair gesture?

5. Kevin is in a difficult position between knowing Tess is seeing Louie and wanting to be a supportive friend to Beau. Do you think he should have told Beau right away about Tess and Louie, or did he do the right thing by not being the barer of bad news?

6. Tess and Alice connect as friends outside of their work dealings, yet their personalities differ in many ways. List the differences and how you think it increased or decreased your likeability in them as separate characters, and their friendship together.

7. How does Come Back To Me change or enrich your view on death? Does the novel make you believe that there can be something positive following death?

8. Does Tess' attitude in dealing with grief reflect how people in life would deal with similar tragic events? If so, what aspects of her personality reflect this.

9. How does the change between Tess' story at home in the U.S. and Beau's story in Afghanistan increase tension? What features of the transition worked best for you?
(Questions kindly provided by author.)

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