

Book Reviews
George’s reconstruction of the man, in terms both of his public life and private character, is more than a revisiting of fact: It’s a subtle exploration of identity and the insidious effects of power…Confessions is all about identity: How is it made, lost, reinvented?… Margaret George occupies that blurry space between history and fiction. And between Tacitus and Margaret George, I rather think it’s George’s account that is not only most sympathetic but most truthful.
Diana Gabaldon - Washington Post

Highly acclaimed for the detail and personality she gives to epic subjects, George's heavily researched novel flows dynamically among multiple points of view. Verdict: Historical fiction devotees…will quickly devour this first volume of a duology. —Catherine Lantz, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago Lib.
Library Journal

George's revisionist novel makes hefty use of its research, yet the emperor himself, shorn of his bad-boy reputation, emerges as oddly pallid.… [T]his workmanlike saga redeems Nero while simultaneously rendering him rather less fascinating.
Kirkus Reviews