

Aleatha Romig, 2011
Romig Works
572 pp.

Anthony Rawlings had a plan-to teach Claire Nichols to behave.

Claire Nichols had a plan-to survive!

In an unfamiliar bedroom within a luxurious mansion, Claire Nichols wakes to memories of a brutal abduction. All of her recollections have one common denominator, the man she just met-Anthony Rawlings. Unbeknownst to Claire, Anthony has had her in his sights for a long time. Every action has consequences-and his actions resulted in their chance meeting.

Facing incomprehensible circumstances, Claire must learn to survive as she comes to terms with her new reality-every aspect of her livelihood is now dependent upon the tall, dark-haired, dark-eyed tycoon. Anthony may appear to the world as a prosperous, benevolent, kind businessman, but in reality Claire learns he is also a menacing, controlling captor with very strict rules: do as your told, public failure is not an option, and don't divulge private information. Failure to follow these rules and more, are met with serious consequences.

In an effort to earn her freedom, Claire learns her lessons well and before long, she unknowingly captivates her captor. Anthony/ Tony reluctantly becomes enthralled with Claire's beauty, resilience and determination. Their interaction instigates strong emotions, including-fear, anger, love, and lust-as their journey flows into uncharted waters of intrigue and passion.

From the opening criminal abduction, through the twists and turns, to the unlikely romantic thrills, the suspense climaxes as Aleatha Romig utilizes vivid detail, allowing this novel to unfold like a movie.

Can you put the pieces of the puzzle together? Claire Nichols abduction wasn't a random act-did she learn her lessons well enough? Will these unlikely lovers remain true-or will she learn the truth before it's too late?

Author Bio
Raised—Mishawaka, Indiana, USA
Education—Indiana University
Currently—lives in Indianapolis, Indiana

Aleatha Romig is a bestselling author, who has been voted #1 "New Author to Read" on Goodreads, July 2012! She was also #9 most followed author on Goodreads, July / August 2013.

Aleatha has lived most of her life in Indiana growing up in Mishawaka, graduating from Indiana University, and currently living south of Indianapolis. Together with her high-school sweetheart and husband of twenty six years, they've raised three children.

Before she became a full-time author, she worked days as a dental hygienist and spent her nights writing. Now, when she's not imagining mind-blowing twists and turns, she likes to spend her time with her family and friends. Her pastimes include exercising, reading and creating heros/ anti-heros who haunt your dreams!

Aleatha enjoys traveling, especially when there is a beach involved. In 2011 she had the opportunity to visit Sydney, Australia to visit her daughter studying at the University of Wollongong. Her dream is to travel to places in her novels and around the world.

Consequences, her first novel, was first released August 2011 by Xlibris Publishing. Truth, the sequel, was released in 201,2 and Convictd, the final installment of the Consequences Series released in 2013. (From the author's website.)

Book Reviews
This was a good book, a book that makes you think how strong the persuasive powers of control and dependency are to a person's well-being. There is a lot that goes on and I can probably write an essay about all the psychological implications they produce but I'll just say it's worth reading and hopefully there will be sequel.
Didi Hassan - Choice Book Reviews

Consequences isn’t what I would call a romance novel. There are sex scenes but they aren’t done in a typical romance way. For me, the book would be more of a psychological thriller or straight up suspense. The book is about one relationship, Tony and Claire, but it does not follow the typical relationship pattern. Bravo to Ms. Romig for shocking the heck out of me.
Jen- Fiction Vixen Book Reviews

Discussion Questions
1. Consider Claire and Tony as characters. What were your initial thoughts and feelings about them? When (if ever) did those feeling change?

2. What do you believe Claire should have done differently when she was first kidnapped? How does Anthony use “Operant Conditioning” to alter Claire’s way of thinking? When do you believe Claire changed from “victim of abuse” to “victim of Stockholm Syndrome”?

3. How does Claire’s “compartmentalization” save/ hurt her?

4. What do you believe was Anthony’s motivation at the beginning of our story? Why would a man of his wealth, looks and status jeopardize everything to kidnap a woman like Claire? What theories did you have in the beginning? When did you change your mind? Did the backstories help you see the truth?

5. Although Claire was completely isolated within Anthony’s estate for many months, his employees were present and saw her predicament. What were your feelings regarding their acceptance of Claire’s forced imprisonment and obvious duties?

6. Claire’s unconsciousness showed the readers much about Claire’s past. What did her “visions” tell you?

7. Was Claire’s acceptance of Tony’s marriage proposal due to love or victimization? Why? What clues did the author give you to support your answer?

8. Do you believe Tony would have released Claire from her “debt”, if she’d accepted that option at his proposal?

9. Why did the author provide the Vanity Fair article in its entirety? What was Ms. Romig showing the readers?

10. While Claire and Tony’s life was “positive” and they’re in Europe, did you find yourself telling Claire to “follow the rules”? What were your emotions as she rushed back to the hotel in Italy, knowing she’s late? How did it make you feel, wanting her to “tow the line”?

11. A skillful romantic thriller writer knows which details to reveal and when to reveal them. How much do you know...and when do you know it? In other words, how good was Ms. Romig at burying her clues in plain sight? Now that you know the end of this book, go back and find the clues she left for you.

12. Each chapter is preceded by quotations. Did you read the quotations, and what did they tell you about the chapter?

13. When Claire notices the open key cabinet and decides to drive away...what did you anticipate would happen? Were you correct?

14. Anthony offers Claire an “out” to jail. Did you agree with her decision to refuse his offer? Why?

15. As Marcus Evergreen displays his evidence of Claire’s privileged life with Anthony Rawlings, how do you think she felt? What emotions did you feel?

16. The “box” explains so much. Why do you think the box was sent to Claire?

17. Critics have said this book contains too much description. Do you agree? Could you visualize the scenes in Consequences? At the end, did those vivid scenes come back, with a new understanding of why they were all there?

18. In chapter one Claire made a vow to herself. It began: I am not sure how or when. But I will... Did Claire accomplish her goal?

19. Movie time: Who would you like to see play what part?

(Questions from the author's website.)

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