

A Convoluted Defense (The de'Conte Series, 2)
Nicholas Borelli, 2012
220 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781478119722

The former United States Attorney had become the most prominent defense counsel in New York City. His law firm, The Union and Metropolitan, had carefully cultivated their superstar. He moved from United States Attorney to the other side to defend high profile corporate executives from federal prosecution at exorbitant hourly rates.

But the biggest case in world history was foisted upon him in a high velocity whirlwind of events. Nick deā€˜Conti is defending the President of the United States for the highest of high crimes: Treason!

Shuttling between New York and Washington D.C., the case, the politics, the culture clash, the impromptu love affair with the opposing federal prosecutor and the trial of the millennium provide a backdrop for a once in a lifetime test of conscience.