

Author Bio
Birth—ca. 1970-71
Raised—Montclair, New Jersey, USA
College—B.A., Barnard College
Currently—lives in Morristown, New Jersey

Jenny Milchman is a suspense writer, whose debut novel, Cover of Snow, was published in 2013. Her short story "The Closet" appeared in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, and another story, "The Very Old Man," has been an Amazon bestseller. The short work "Black Sun on Tupper Lake" was chosen to appear in the anthology Adirondack Mysteries II.

Jenny is the Chair of the International Thriller Writers Debut Authors Program, and the founder of Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day, which was celebrated in all 50 states and four foreign countries in 2011.

Jenny also hosts the Made It Moments forum on her blog, which has featured more than 200 international bestsellers, Edgar winners, and independent authors, co-hosts the literary series Writing Matters, which attracts guests coast-to-coast and has received national media attention, and teaches writing and publishing for New York Writers Workshop and Arts By The People. Jenny lives in New Jersey. (From the author's website.)

Watch a video interview.