

Discussion Questions
1. On page 30, Lenny says about her cousin’s upcoming tonsillectomy: "I visualize a red, scalloped scar running from ear to ear. It is a premonition." What do you think she means by this?

2. On page 125, Lenny says, "Now I know surely. One man’s religion is another man’s poison." Do you believe this? Given the violence that breaks out and the fact that India is “cracked” along religious lines, can you understand why Lenny feels this way?

3. Chapter 21 takes the reader back into Lenny’s family world, characterized by humor, joy, and a "regular life." Why do you think the author shows us Lenny’s family here?

4. How does Lenny use her handicap? How does she feel about it? Find examples of her taking delight in her handicapped status.

5.Throughout section two, Lenny steals and hides bottles. Finally her godmother discovers the theft on page 93. Are some people bet ter at lying than others? Is Ice-candy-man a good liar? Is Ayah?

6. Lenny has finally betrayed her ayah. What scenes in the earlier sections of the book led up to this betrayal? How were we prepared for Lenny’s inability to lie? After the betrayal, what does she do?
(Questions issued by publisher).

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