

Discussion Questions
1. From the beginning of the novel, we are presented with two different narrators: Sam and Ollie. What were your first impressions of these sisters based on the initial chapters of the book? How would you describe their personalities? What impact do you think the use of dual, first-person narration had on the story?

2. Talk about the character of Frank “Bear” McAlister. How does your impression of him change from the beginning to the end of the book, if it does at all?

3. Sam makes numerous references to Bear’s bee farm and bee-keeping practices in Crooked River. Why do you think bees feature so prominently in the novel? What is significant about their behaviors? Can you draw any parallels between the actions of the characters in the book and how bee colonies operate?

4. Consider the examples of parent-child relationships in the novel. How do you think Sam and Ollie’s relationship with their mother and Bear is similar to their relationship with Franny and Zeb? How is it different? What do you think the author could be suggesting about what makes a good parent? Furthermore, do you think Bear can be considered a good parent? Explain why or why not.

5. Think about Travis’ relationship with his parents. Compare and contrast it to Sam and Ollie’s relationship with the adults in their lives. How would you describe the Roths’ love for their children? Do you feel empathy for the Roth family? Or to any member of the Roth family in particular? Why or why not?

6. What do you think is significant about Ollie’s attachment to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland? Why do you think she allows this specific book to speak for her?

7. Ollie refuses to use her voice after her mother dies, Taylor Bellweather is denied the opportunity to speak once she is murdered, and at the end of the novel Sam and Ollie’s mother stresses the importance of telling people you love them—the role of “voice” is very important. Why do you think the novel places an emphasis on a person’s capability to use his or her voice?

8. Describe your feelings toward Deputy Santos throughout the investigation of Taylor Bellweather’s death. Could you understand her reasoning behind wanting Sam to accept that Bear was guilty? Why or why not?

9. What effect does the landscape and setting of rural Oregon have on the overall mood of the story?

10. Although the novel centers around a mystery, how does it exhibit the elements of a ghost story and a coming-of-age story as well? Are there elements of other literary genres present in the novel? If so, what are they?

(We'll add specific questions if and when they're made available by the publisher.)

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