

Author Bio
Where—Havana, Cuba
Education—Yale University; Harvard University
Currently—teaches at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA

Tony Mendoza was born in Havana, Cuba. He was trained as an engineer (Yale University) and as an architect (Harvard Graduate School of Design.) In the early Seventies he quit architecture, moved into an urban commune in the Boston area, and turned full time to photography as art. His photographs have been exhibited extensively, nationally and internationally.

He was the first photographer exhibited in the New Photography Series at the Museum of Modern Art.  His photographs are included in the collections of many museums, including the Museum of Modern Art, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art, in New York, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

He has received three National Endowment for the Arts Photography Fellowships, a Guggenheim Photography Fellowship, and five Ohio Arts Council Fellowships in photography, creative writing, and video. (From the publisher .)

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