

Discussion Questions
1. The message of the book is about being happy in your own skin – no matter what that skin may look like. It’s something that Katie talks about near the beginning of the book, yet when the TV presenter makes fun of a skinny intern, Katie laughs. Is teasing a woman for being too thin the same as teasing a woman for being too fat? Do you feel more empathy for one group than the other?

2. Which character did you most identify with? Why?

3. Once you understand Pixie’s motives, is she justified in her actions involving the club and Katie? Do her arguments stand up from a business point of view (as opposed to an emotional one)?

4. Thinking about Jane’s obsession with weight loss, how far is too far when it comes to losing weight? Where do you draw the line?

5. Who do you think was the stronger character, Katie or Pixie?   

6. Ellie snoops on her boyfriend’s phone and finds something she doesn’t like. Have you ever snooped where you shouldn’t have? Do the ends justify the means?

7. Katie experiences prejudice from her employers. Are there any situations in which an employer is justified in wanting a person to look a certain way (let’s exclude modelling)?

8. Katie, Pixie, Jane and Ellie all struggle with self-esteem in different ways. What’s the biggest thing that gives a woman her self-esteem? How can someone improve her own self-esteem?

9. What were your first impressions of the main characters? Did those change by the end of the book?

10. Would you go on How to Look Good Naked?
(Questions provided courtesy of the author.)

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