

Discussion Questions
1.  How aware were you of the comfort woman atrocity before you read Daughters of the Dragon? Research shows that fewer than 30% of educated Americans know about comfort women. Why do you suppose that is?
2.  What did you learn about Korea and Korean history that you think is important for Americans know?
3.  Rape is a difficult topic. Do you think the author handled the rape scenes well? Why or why not?
4.  Ja-hee has three main men in her lives—Colonel Matsumoto, Jin-mo, and Colonel Crawford. Do you think they all loved her? How were they different and how were they the same?
5.  The author seems to compare the Japanese comfort stations to the American kijichons (brothels outside the military bases). Is this a fair comparison? How do you think Ja-hee felt about it?
6.  How do you feel about the United State’s relationship with Korea after reading this book? Was/is the United States good or bad for Korea?
7.  Do you think Ja-hee made the right decision to make Soo-bo have her baby?
8.  Do you think Ja-hee made the right decision to put her granddaughter (Anna) up for adoption?
9.  We learn that Ja-hee is royalty. Did she act accordingly? How important is her duty to Korea, her ancestors and her descendents? Was it all a wasted effort?
10. What is Anna’s duty going forward?
11. Ultimately, this book is about…  what?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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