

Discussion Questions
1. Did Trish's commitment to her marriage make her appear strong or weak? Did your opinion change by the end of the book?

2. After learning about Leah's history did you find her to be a more sympathetic character?

3. Do you know a man like Max? Do you like him? Can you understand his actions?

4. Characters are sometimes revealed to be other than they appear. Which characters were "what you see is what you get"? How likely are we to really know another person?

5. Is there an absolute deal-breaker that would cause you to end a relationship? Has that changed over the years?

6. What are your thoughts on allowing non-Native Americans adopt Native American children?

7. Do you think Claudia is empathetic or guilt driven? Trusting or gullible?

8.  Were you surprised by Max's response to the pilots when he was caught in a compromising position?

9 Do you agree that women of a certain age share Ruth's super power?

10. At the end of the book Claudia has some big decisions to make. How would you advise her? Could you take your own advice?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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