

Discussion Questions
1. The Diplomat's Wife addresses many of the questions that were left open at the end of The Kommandant's Girl. Were you surprised by the answers? Satisfied?

2. How did Marta's character change/evolve throughout the story?

3. What was the most difficult challenge faced by Marta in the book?

4. What was Marta's greatest strength? Her greatest flaw?

5. What do you think drew Marta and Paul together so powerfully? How did their dynamic change throughout the book?

6. What was Marta's relationship like with the places and people from her past?

7. Did you agree with Marta's choices in the book? Did you find them believable?

8. How was Marta's life affected by the secrets that she kept?

9. How did Marta's view of Emma, and Emma's view of Marta, change in this book?

10. Where do you think Marta ends up one month after the end of the book? One year? Five years?

11. Did you think the events in Marta's life were driven by fate? Chance?

12. What was the central theme of the book? Did it resonate with you?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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