

Book Reviews
A fast-paced mystery…you won’t put it down until you’ve unlocked the secrets and lies to find the truth.
Judith McCreary, Co-Executive Producer, Law & Order: SVU, Criminal Minds, & CSI

Riveting…an indelible picture painted with suspense.
Mitch Kruse, Author of Restoration Road

An engrossing tale…makes you think about the world we live in and your place in it.
Tony Guerrero, Founder of F.A.C.T. Alliance: Fight Against Child Trafficking

A real roller-coaster of a read…powerful, well written…a thought provoking novel full of topical issues that, as well as wonderfully compelling reading for the individual, will make superb reading and prompt much discussion for reader groups.
Tracy Terry, Book Reviewer (UK)

The Disillusioned pulls its reader headlong into the adventure and achieves an entertaining story of life, love, faith, and both the strength and fragility of the human spirit.
Casee Marie - Literary Inklings

The Disillusioned is a powerful novel written by D.J. Williams which brings to light what happens when one family has lost much of its color, luster, and vibrancy once clearly seen in their family’s mural. This well written, fast paced novel will keep you on the printed page from start to finish. Characters are well defined, well crafted, and a story line that is both interesting and easy for readers to follow. Some endings come in a dramatic way and others will change so many lives. The Disillusioned: find out who finally sees the light.
Fran Lewis, Book Reviewer

The Disillusioned is gripping, riveting and keeps the reader on its toes till its very last page.
Yatin Gupta, Book Reviewer

This novel will literally keep you guessing up to the very last second. It has it all. Romance. Suspense. Intrigue. Mystery. Inspiration. I absolutely could not put this book down. Just when I thought I was going to uncover something, Williams switches the point of view character. Every time I said to myself, “Okay, just one more chapter” I ended up reading for at least another hour, “C’mon,” I thought. “The suspense is killing me! With complex, realistic characters, descriptive settings, and an intricately woven plot, my craving for a meaty story was completely satisfied page after page. I really felt like Williams took his time planning this novel which, as a reader, made me feel valued. This guy knows his stuff.
Sara Ella, Book Reviewer

Have you ever read a book that just grabs you into it and you cannot put it down? Author D.J. Williams does a magnificent job in writing a story full of mystery that puts the reader into a trance.
Terri -

Some books you should not start unless you have time to finish it without interruption “The Disillusioned” by D. J Williams is one of them. I declined an invitation from my husband to go out so that I could finish this book. Yes, it is better than good. “The Disillusioned” is truly a well written novel filled with intrigue. Of course I recommend this book, it is too good to pass up!
Marsha Randolph - Beyond The Bookstore

I really enjoyed this book. It brought out a plethora of emotions. I felt anger at the father, sympathy for the mother, and whole range of feelings with the brothers as they went through their plight. Notice I said “with” the brothers because the author had me right there with them in every situation. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone so I won’t go into any of the plot details, but this is a book you do not want to miss. It is the adventure of a lifetime; I did not want to put it down!
Kandy Kay Scaramuzzo, Book Reviewer

The Disillusioned is an amazing story! I just finished reading it, and I’m feeling that withdrawal you feel after reading a good book. It’s as if you have been on an incredible journey and now must return to real life. This book is suspenseful, mysterious, thrilling, eye-opening, and convicting all at the same time. From the very first chapter, it grips you and keeps you wanting more. It is a book that really makes you think. It transcends genres. It is a book for anyone who cares about fixing what is wrong with the world. It is for anyone who loves adventure. The action is riveting and keeps you on the edge of your seat. It’s for anyone driven by compassion for a suffering world. And it is for anyone willing to be convicted to be more than what they are.
Christy Maurer, Book Reviewer

The intricacies of religion, politics and child slavery are woven  into a riveting story where death is all too common. The Disillusioned is an excellent book and I highly recommend it, giving it an A.
Cindy Johnson, Book Reviewer

Plenty of mystery, intrigue, action, suspense, and more. It is thought-provoking, showing that there is a difference between faith and religion and also shining a light on the subject of human trafficking. There was much more here than I was expecting. Kept me reading and wondering and occasionally biting my nails. I recommend this one if you like a book that keeps you guessing.
Brinda G. - WiLoveBooks

The back of this book will tell you a lot about the story that lies within. But you could never imagine what will happen. While it is a work of fiction there is so much truth in it. It is a book that will haunt me the rest of my life. This is one of the best books I have read in this genre. The way it is thought out and crafted is brilliant. Right from the start you realize it will not be a book you will want to set aside and do other things. For me it was read as much as I can. I even cried at parts of the story. The author gives us a great story that is filled with realism. Thank you D.J. Williams for working so hard and opening our minds to things we know happens, but do not think about enough.
Sandra Heptinstall - Whispering Winds Book Reviews

I happily found within this book, a truly emotional and heartfelt story full of mystery, intrigue and a genuine concern for both the characters and the reality behind their fiction. As with every good mystery, you have to claw your way through all of the lies and deceit surrounding Sam and Daniel’s family to get to the bottom of a wonderfully disturbing book. The Disillusioned features mental health problems, suicide, child labour, kidnapping, murder, religion and so much more. It is fast-paced from the beginning though a little distant to begin with though after moving some way through the book and learning about the characters and who they are, I can’t help but feel that the initial cold start was intentional and brilliantly done. In just one moment, the lives of two brothers drastically change and we follow them as they uncover a barrage of secrets and lies whilst discovering who they are, and the type of people they want to be. As I’ve already said, the book has great characters and the writing is perfect for the book. D.J.Williams isn’t afraid to tell it like it is and the plot was so well described (without constant reiteration) that I could picture it perfectly – not always a good thing considering the topic but still. I could definitely see it being a movie full of action and intrigue. The Disillusioned could very well be held at the centre of important and intelligent discussion as there is quite obviously more to the story than what is on the pages. A great novel from D.J.Williams and if it sounds like something you’d enjoy then I suggest you do so, soon!
Caragh Finnan - Loaded Shelves

Starts with the point of view of an old woman in a mental institution thinking over her life. I was drawn in right away, wondering what secrets she is keeping that are causing her so much pain. The focus shifts to her sons and there is plenty of mystery, intrigue, action, suspense, and more. It is thought-provoking, showing that there is a difference between faith and religion and also shining a light on the subject of human trafficking. There was much more here than I was expecting. Kept me reading and wondering and occasionally biting my nails. I recommend this one if you like a book that keeps you guessing.
WiLoveBooks Review