

Book Reviews
This book does this thing that I feel all thriller books should do, and that is, be engaging within the first 20 pages…There is so much to the book. Such a rich backdrop to what is unfolding. The characters have their own backstories which are great and the scale of what is going on is amazing…These characters are humanized, and the weight of what they do is shown to weigh on them, more than in the physical manner…The treatment of life and death in the literal, figurative and spiritual sense is remarkable, as well as living in fear and allowing circumstances to leave you shortchanged.
The Review Hutch

Mr. Charnes has beaten James Patterson in all categories…The characters are ordinary people drawn from your family, your neighbors, your coworkers. There are no demigods, no super humans, no magical powers, no extraordinary luck. These are people who toil in lower to middle-income jobs reacting to danger the way you would, rising to the occasion as you would, falling apart as you would. Their emotions are deep and visceral.
Seeley James - author, The Geneva Decision

Fast-paced, action-packed thriller that takes the reader on an emotional journey across the globe. I would love to read more.
Juniper Grove