

Discussion Questions
The below questions were graciously submitted to LitLovers by Shelley Holley, M.L.S of the Southington (Conn.) Library. Thank you, Shelley!

1. What did you think of the book? Like or Dislike?

2. What do you think of Meg’s relationship with her grandfather?

3. What did you think about the competition regarding the Christmas meals between the

4. Did you find Meg’s mother a bit manipulative?

5. Did you find it funny that she knew almost everyone in the town?

6. Do you think Meg and Michael are a good team or is he too easy going with her helping
all the churches?

7. If you were making a movie of this book, who would you cast?

8. Would you read another book by this author?

9. Did this book remind you of other books?

10. Did you like the theme?

(Questions by Shelley Holley of the Southington, Conn., Library. Please feel free to use them, online and off, with attribution to Shelley and LitLovers. Thanks.)

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