

Discussion Questions
1. Let’s start with the title. What does “eat what you kill” mean, as it relates to the book?  Do you believe an “eat what you kill” mentality is beneficial for an individual?  Is it positive for society in general?

2. A reviewer for Booklist said “Stoess is a sympathetic character despite his murderous ways.”  Do you agree?  Did you sympathize with Evan?  Did you find yourself rooting for him? Why or why not?

3. Evan describes himself as a “disciple” of Ayn Rand’s philosophy of objectivism. What does he mean by this? How does objectivism influence his thoughts and actions?

4. The ability to sell stocks short: A good thing or bad thing? Why?

5. Why is Evan attracted to Albert Camus? What aspects of Camus’s philosophy and life appeal to Evan, and why?

6. Do violent video games “breed evil”?  Are video game players more likely to engage in criminal or antisocial behavior? If so, what should we, as a society, do about it?

7. What roles do pop culture and literature play in the book? Why does Evan so often quote movies, books and television shows?

8. Eat What You Kill has been described as American Psycho meets Wall Street. Do you agree with this description? Is Evan more Patrick Bateman, or Bud Fox?

9. Were you surprised by the revelation in the final chapter about the relationship between Evan and another character? If not, when did you figure it out?

10. What is next for Evan Stoess? And who should play him in the movie? 
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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