

Discussion Questions
1.  How did Everett fit with your own school experiences?

2. Did any of the characters remind you of people you know?

3.  What clues did you pick up on along the way that something was not quite right with one of the characters?

4.  What were the themes in this book?

5.  Near the end of the book  Brooke tells Sarah a story about cars being towed at a party and Sarah says “how did you not know what was happening right under your noses?” and Brooke says “sometimes people just see what they want to see.” How do you think this applies to the book?

6. Do you think Brooke could actually get away with what she did?

7.  Did it end the way you expected?  What would you like to have happened?

8.  What do you think is in store for Brooke?

9.  If you could ask the author a question, what would you ask?

10.  If this were a movie, who would you cast for the main characters?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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