

Discussion Questions
1. The title of the novel refers initially to the foul murders of women found under London bridges. How else does this idea surface throughout the book and why do you think Alison chose it as the title?

2. Why do you think the killer leaves the corpses in places where they could easily be found?

3. How important is the setting to the novel? Could it have been set anywhere?

4. How does Juliet Grey’s character develop as the story moves on? Is she the same person at the ends as she is at the beginning? What shifts have occurred for her?

5. Why is this book a Psychological Thriller and not simply a crime novel?

6. What are the central themes of the book? Do you think Juliet acts rationally to events that occur? Could she have done more to prevent the murders?

7. What is the motive of the killer? How much do you sympathise with the killer, and do you feel as though Alison would like you to sympathise with that person?

8. Did the book challenge your assumptions about any issues? Such as psychotherapy, Asperger’s, bullying, retribution, grief? Did reading the book help you understand any issues better?

9. What are the arguments for a psychotherapist seeing clients in their own home? Does it matter that she is female? What are the risks involved? How can these be overcome?

10. There are several twists and revelations in the novel? What came as the biggest shock?
(Questions provided courtesy of the author.)

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