

Discussion Questions
1. What are universal experiences and emotions lived and felt by women struggling to build their families?
2. How do you relate to Jody and Jeff?
3.  How does Dyer’s writing style promote the message of her book?
4.  What did you learn from The Eye of Adoption about yourself?
5.  What did you learn from The Eye of Adoption about infertility?
6.  What did you learn from The Eye of Adoption about domestic adoption?
7.  Have your views of infertility changed? If so, how?
8.  Have your views of modern adoption changed? If so, how?
9.  What did you enjoy most about your experience reading The Eye of Adoption?
10.  What did you enjoy least?
11.  How will you demonstrate support to a friend or family member going through infertility?
12.  How will you demonstrate support to a friend or family member going through adoption?
13.  How do you think Jody can best use her book to spread her message of hope and humor?
14.  How do you feel and think, now that you’ve met Jody and her child’s birthmother, about birth parents’ rights and processes of termination of rights?
15.  What do you think adopting his son did for Jeff, emotionally speaking?
16.  Do you think Jeff should try to find his birthparents? Why/why not?
17.  What issues do you think could be problematic for Jody’s family as their adopted child grows older?
18.  How are some of the issues (open adoption, domestic infant adoption, and anti-abortion statements, financing adoption) mentioned in the book controversial?
19.  What were your favorite “scenes” in the book? Why were those scenes or moments memorable to you?
20.  What, if any, relationship do you have with infertility or adoption? Has your attitude toward either changed? If so, in what ways?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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